(09) 4060291
Our Mission: Living the Great Commission
Our mission is to “Live the Great Commission” – To win people to Jesus Christ, baptise them and teach them to obey everything Jesus teaches.
We as a Church are on a journey. The vision set out below is our attempt to put into words what we feel God is calling us "to do" and "to be" to achieve the mission He has given us. We are a long way from achieving the vision, but we are on a journey towards a goal. We are always looking for fellow followers of Jesus Christ to join with us on this journey.
We will equip, facilitate and encourage every Christian, every ministry and every community service to have a mission focus and be active in sharing the ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ.
We will seek to share the Gospel by word and by deed, with everybody who will listen, both in the Doubtless Bay area and wherever we go.
We will seek to share the Gospel abroad by sending and supporting overseas missionaries.
We will regularly present the Gospel at Sunday Services and opportunities will be given for people to respond.
We will encourage new Christians to be baptised straight after repentance.
We will encourage everyone who is locally connected with DBBC to become an active participant in one of our Disciple Maker Groups because we believe that discipleship is core to the Christian lifestyle.
We will encourage and release those who are connected with DBCC to use their God given gifts and ministries for the Kingdom.
We will encourage one another on to spiritual maturity through personal Bible reading, prayer and service.
We will seek to be a group of Christians who love one another and actively purse the "One Another's" of the Bible.
We will invest a significant amount of time and resources to facilitate out children & intermediate youth ministries, as we recognise the fact that a high percentage of young people from the age of 4 -14, make meaningful and lasting decisions for Jesus Christ.
We will purse the vision for Hope Clinic that God gave us in 2010. The Hope Clinic is an outreach ministry based on the Luke 4 mandate.